Energy Healing & Balancing

Energy Healing & Balancing

Energy Healing & Balancing with Dr. JoAnne Dodgson

Energy Healings focus beneath the surface to restore balance from the inside out. Energy Healings are ceremonies using ancient healing techniques to connect with the innate wisdom of your whole being. With guidance from the spirits, Energy Healing and Balancing sessions offer support to clear away imbalances and revitalize holistic well-being. Emotional, physical, and spiritual concerns can be addressed. Information is often gathered about beneficial remedies and the next steps for continuing your healing process.

“Our time together offers an opportunity to receive nourishing life energies, healing guidance from the spirits, and support to reweave balance and regenerate well-being. Reconnect with your heart center and the innate intelligence of your body and whole being. 

Before we enter into the ceremonial process, we’ll discuss your healing requests and concerns. Our session will complete with exploring what emerged in the Energy Healing. Bring along a journal if you’d like to take notes about your insights and experiences, changes and shifts, and the guidance received. I look forward to meeting with you.” – JoAnne