How to Clear Negative Energy With Smudging

As you go about your daily life you tend to pick up energy. This can be from objects, people, or places. Your energetic body is delicate and should be protected with the same amount of care that you would your physical body. 

Smudging is a great way to both protect and revitalize your energy. Anyone can use smudging all year round as a part of their spiritual practice. In this article, we will give you all the details you need to begin clearing any bad juju from yourself, your home, or another sacred space. 

What is smudging? 

Smudging is a practice used for getting rid of negative or stagnant energy. There is various incense that have been used all around the world to perform this ritual. Smudging is not new and has been around for thousands of years. It has been done in many tribalistic cultures and is still done today. In those days, the community would gather into a crowd and remove evil spirits together. 

The incense was used to essentially smoke out the bad energy. Leaving no room for anything less than love and light, the space around becomes a holding place for purity and a fresh start. Common misconceptions about smudging include that it is a closed practice. There is lots of talk about cultural appropriation anytime westerners began to do something that did not originate in this land. 

However, smudging can be done by anyone, of any race, religion, orientation, and more. Smudging was not just limited to native Americans; similar practices have also been done on almost every continent. Each tradition has its different herbs and rituals, but the intention has always been the same from one human to another. You are free to acknowledge the traditions that you resonate with and adapt them to your own specific practice. 

Smudging can be used for new or existing homes, offices, cars, or any general area you want to cleanse. You can also smudge yourself if you need a refresher. This pairs great with a spiritual bath as well. 

The different smudging tools 

A bundle of sage has been the most common way to smudge. This is a dried bundle of herbs that has energy-clearing properties. They also make way for a positive influx of energy. Palo Santo is another very powerful tool to clear energy. It has a lighter scent than sage but is still extremely powerful in its own right. 

There are many different herbs and incense you can use to begin smudging. With so many different varieties of sage and herbs, feel free to experiment until you find some that you resonate with. Some people even add herbs to their smudge sticks for their different properties as well. We carry a wide variety of different smudge materials in our shop. 

How to cleanse energy with smudging 

Setting an intention 

Rather you have a full herb bundle or incense to smudge, your intention for this practice is the most important. To set an intention simply go into a quiet place and think about what you hope to achieve with this ceremony. Some people prefer to write this down to get better clarity. As long as you have a clear objective for this practice, you will be just fine. Having a clear vision helps you harness the energy better since you know how to direct it. 

A good way to get your intention is to think about the circumstances that have led you to smudge. From there, intend for that thing to be fixed, removed, or transmuted. After you have set your intention, you can thank your higher power for them already fulfilling your desire. 

Open windows 

After you’ve set your intention it’s best to open all the windows in your space. The old energy needs to leave your space somehow, and it’s better to do that through the windows. If not, the energy will be trapped in your house and linger around. If you are outside, disregard the last step. As long as you have constant airflow, the ritual will work properly. 

Cleanse the space 

This is where the magic happens. Light your smudge stick and/or incense and place it in a fireproof container. This prevents fire flyways or any accidents. Most people like to repeat their intention several times while they smudge. If you are indoors, walk around your entire home. Wave your incense around in whatever way seems natural. 

Don’t forget the corners of your home too. Include your bathrooms, closets, and other hidden spaces. You can go as far as to get in your cabinets and under the couches. It may not be necessary if the smoke is reaching those areas, but it never hurts to be safe! 

Visualize the smoke filling the air and with it dissolving any murky energy that doesn’t belong. If you are not good at visualizing, you can affirm, and it will produce the same effect. Once you’ve covered every area of your house, you can go back a second time and intend to fill the newly cleansed space with the energy you prefer. 

Another thing to add to this routine is to take your smudge stick and wave it up and down your body. You should start with your feet and work your way to your head. Imagine you are cleansing your body as you would in a bath or shower. Extend this energy to your energetic body as well. 

Once you are done you should be feeling a difference. The act of setting an intention, smudging, and visualizing/affirming all work in tangent to clear your space. Close your ceremony by extinguishing your smudge stick and giving gratitude again. 

Will you give smudging a try? 

Smudging is an excellent way to clear your home and bring in new positive energy. This can be done any time you feel weighed down or off-balanced. Add this to your weekly routine and let us know what changes you notice in your life!

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