By Guest Blogger John Holmes, Numerologist at
One of the universal aspects of living in the third dimension is the potential for self-awareness, the ability to discover the nature of our own truth. It is a “potential” because we have the option of pursuing it or not. That’s free will.
We have all likely forgotten that as infants we had no concept of where we stopped and where everything else began. By around fifteen months of age, we came to the realization that we were no longer in the unified field, and that we had become “individuated” in a body with a separate identity and experience. The forgetting of the unified field accelerates, and the focus centralizes on this new “self”. Ultimately, this leads us to the “who am I” and “why am I here” questions that kick start us onto the spiritual path. The concept of “self-awareness”, if pursued, is generally directed to the purpose of the current incarnation, trying to understand what “this life” is all about. The nature of our truth goes far beyond this incarnation, but the search begins with the here and now.
Often the big questions only lead to more questions unless we find a tool to assist with the answers. Numerology is one of the best tools available to provide answers to these profound questions. How so? The uniqueness of your being is captured by the information contained on your birth certificate. This document certifies to the world “this is my date of entry, and this is the label I was given.” The energies contained within those two identifiers, when interpreted through Numerology, reveal the full and complete content of the intended story of this lifetime.
Numerology uses numbers, but it is not about the numbers, it is about the underlying energy represented by them. Albert Einstein proved that everything we believe is solid matter, is in fact, is energy. You and I are energetic constructs, we are energy solidified. Understanding the energies contained within our construct is accomplished through Numerology, and thus allows for the interpretation of the intended purpose of this incarnation and the content and nature of our character.
It does not matter if you are just beginning to search for answers, or if you are curious to further refine your concept of self, the insights provided by Numerology are guaranteed to enlighten you about yourself and your purpose this lifetime.
John Holmes – Numerologist